Email List Verify (1.0.0)

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Email List Verify ®

Email List Verify ® allows you to perform effective email marketing campaigns by ensuring email list deliverability.

You can verify emails within your application or website with our real-time API. Offer the best experience possible for your users and help them avoid entry or spamming mistakes.

Single and Batch Verification

Verify a single email or a long list of emails. Our API can verify millions of emails in one take!

Integration Ease

We speak your language. Our real-time API is available in PHP, Python, Node.js, and .net.

Getting Started

Follow along below to learn how to use Email List Verify ® to securely, easily, and efficiently validate your list of email addresses and generate complete, detailed reports.

Creating an Email List Verify ® Account

To begin using Email List Verify ® you will first need to create a free account. You can sign up by visiting the link here:

Sign Up Page

Verifying Email Addresses

Once you have created a free account, you need to log in to start using the Email List Verify ® email verification service. If you want to verify a single email address, navigate to Verify in your dashboard, type the email in the Single email verification text box and then click Verify. You are good to go.

Single Email Verification

If you need to verify a list of email addresses, drag and drop your list from your local drive into the dotted area. You can also upload a list by clicking Select Lists and then following the simple steps. Once a file has been successfully uploaded, select it, and click Start List. Wait a few moments and you will be able to download a verified list.

Bulk Email Verification

Verifying email addresses using Email List Verify® API

Our API can be integrated into your web applications to verify email addresses in real time. Using the API requires only a few lines of code. For more details, please visit our Developer API section.

Developer API

Email List Verify ® provides a developer API to integrate the email verification process with your service.

Our API provides the ability to check individual email addresses and can accept an email list through file upload.

Our Guarantee

The validation process of Email List Verify ® always provides 100% accurate results in real-time. For each email address, we present a detailed validation status. We are extremely confident about the level of accuracy we provide, and we are sure that none of your emails will bounce after getting checked with Email List Verify ®.

How Email List Verify ® Works

Email List Verify ® uses a prominent mail transfer protocol called SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to check if the user's email address is invalid or non-working without sending actual emails to that recipient address.

Although this is a simple approach, there is an overhead involved with SMTP, and email servers often behave unexpectedly. Therefore, many companies rely on Email List Verify ® to provide email verification. We have been in the email and security industry for the last 10 years and have gained a reputation in the email verification process.

Here are our steps we use for emails verification:

  • Email deduplication - Domains that match our existing database of invalid emails are removed
  • Domain validation - DNS entries for every email address are checked and validated
  • Spam-trap removal - Spam-traps and disposable emails are detected
  • Risk validation - Remove all of the domains that match our existing database of invalid emails
  • Syntax verification - Email address syntax is verified according to IETF standard
  • MTA validation - Checks if a Mail-Transfer-Agent has a valid MX Record

File Verification

Email List Verify ® offers several ways to import your list of email addresses into our system for verification. You can upload CSV, XLS, and TXT files from a local drive of your computer or cloud storage such as Google Drive, CloudApp, FTP, and a web server.

File Upload

To upload a file, scroll to Verify in your dashboard, click on Select Lists and then specify where your file resides. You can also drag and drop your files from your computer to the dotted area in your dashboard.

File Upload 2

Once a file has been uploaded, it will be visible in the Imported Lists section. A newly uploaded file will be initially Unprocessed. You can then process it by clicking on Start List.

File Upload 3

File Formatting

While you are uploading a file, make sure the following conditions are met for the process to work smoothly:

  • There is only one email address in each row
  • Email addresses should appear in the same column
  • The list should not have more than 1 million email addresses
  • The field names should appear in the first row of the list in order to categorize the list

Below is a screen shot of a file of email addresses to show you how the file should be properly formatted before verification:

File Upload 4

Once a list has been processed by Email List Verify ®, you can select in detail the data you want in the downloaded result using the "Customize Results" modal:

File Upload 4

And this is how a processed list generally looks if you keep everything checked:

File Upload 4

Here is another example of a limited selection using the "Customize Results" modal:

File Upload 4

That produces this downloaded results:

File Upload 4

Read more about these statuses at our Result Guide section.

Result Guide

Email List Verify ® first scans to identify disposable, spam-trap, and complaint emails and then runs the email identification process.

After your file has been verified, each email address in the list will be labeled with one of the following statuses:

Status Description
ok All is OK. The server is saying that it is ready to receive an email to this email address
ok_for_all The email server is saying that it is ready to accept emails to any email address
email_disabled The email account is suspended, disabled, or limited and cannot receive any emails
invalid_syntax There is a syntax error in the email address
dead_server The email domain does not exist, or its mx servers are configured incorrectly
invalid_mx The email domain does exist, but its mx servers are configured incorrectly
disposable The email is a temporary address to receive letters and expires,after certain time period
spamtrap The purpose of this email address is to detect and monitor spam email, which might harm your reputation
antispam_system Some anti-spam technology is blocking the verification process
smtp_protocol The destination server allowed us to connect but the SMTP session was closed unexpectedly
unknown The email delivery failed, but no reason was given



You can import a list of email addresses into Email List Verify ® directly from MailChimp. To get started, you need:

  • Email List Verify ® account
  • MailChimp account

To get started, click on Select Lists from your dashboard. A pop-up will appear. Select Add Integration and then click on the MailChimp icon. Provide your MailChimp login, and you are good to go. Your newly imported list will now be visible.



You can import a list of email addresses into Email List Verify ® directly from AWeber. To get started, you need:

  • Email List Verify ® account
  • AWeber account

To get started, click on Select Lists from your dashboard. A pop-up will appear. Select Add Integration and then click on the AWeber icon. Provide your AWeber login, and you are good to go. Your newly imported list will now be visible.


Account Settings

You will have the following five tabs under Account Settings which you can use to manage your account:

  • General - contains your user name, contact details and geographical location (country, city, address and zip code)
  • Security - allows you to change your password and view your last login (time and location)
  • Payment History - contains your payment history
  • API - allows you to toggle access to the API
  • Users - manages the users of your account

Account Settings

API Authentication

Our API makes use of api key based authentication. You can retrieve your API key by visiting the API section of your dashboard.


Security Scheme Type: API Key
Query parameter name: secret

Email Validation API

Email List Verify provides a developer API to integrate the email verification process with your service.

Our API provides the ability to check individual email addresses and can accept an email list through file upload.


Submits an email address for verification.

We provide the following API libraries:

Language API Library

The response will be returned in the form of a plain text string:

Response Description
ok The supplied email address has passed all verification tests
fail The supplied email address has failed one or more tests
unknown The supplied email address can not be accurately tested
incorrect No email address was provided in the request or it contains a syntax error
key_not_valid No api key was provided in the request or it was invalid
missing parameters There are no validations remaining to complete this attempt

When the response is fail it can be for one of the following reasons:

The address provided does not exist
The mailbox is full
The address provided is a disposable email address
The address provided is not in a valid format
The address provided is a role account
The address provided does not have a valid dns
The address provided does not have a mx server
The address provided was found in your internal blacklist containing previously failed addresses
The domain provided was found in your domain blacklist
query Parameters

Email address to test.

Default: 30

The maximum time in seconds we should try to verify the address.


Request samples

$email = "[email protected]";
$key = "your_api_key";
$url = "".$key."&email=".urlencode($email)."&timeout=15";
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true );

$response = curl_exec($ch);
echo $response;

Response samples

Content type


Submit a list of emails for verification. Upload a file containing your list of emails and it will be returned with an additional field that assigns each email a verification status.

This endpoint expects the file to be in the same format as described in our File Verification section. The updated file will have an additional field attached as described in our Result Guide section.

The response will be returned in the form of a plain text string:

Response Description
A number representing the file being processed.
no_credit Your current account balance is $0.
cannot_upload_file The uploaded file could not be processed due to incorrect formatting or broken upload.
key_not_valid No api key was provided in the request or it was invalid.
missing parameters There are no validations remaining to complete this attempt.

After receiving the upload-id, you can check the processing status and retrieve the finished results using the /getApiFileInfo endpoint.

query Parameters

Filename of uploaded file.

Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
string <binary>

File contents attached using Content/Type: multipart/form-data.


Request samples

$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
$filename = realpath('emails.csv');
$key = "your_api_key";
$mimeType = finfo_file($finfo, $filename);
$url = ''.$key.'&filename=emails.csv';
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$settings['file_contents'] = new CURLFile($filename,$mimeType,'emails.csv');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $settings);
$list_id = curl_exec($ch); // save this job id so you can retrieve the results of the operation
echo $list_id;

Response samples

Content type


Returns the processed file submitted using the /verifyApiFile endpoint or its current processing status.

If the file is still being processed, a response like this will be returned: 10700|my_emails.txt|no|200|150|progress|1445878121||

If the file is ready for downloading, the response will look like this: 10700|my_emails.txt|no|200|200|finished|1445878121||

The returned response takes the following form: {file_id}|{filename}|{unique}|{lines}|{lines_processed}|{status}|{timestamp}|{link_ok}|{link_all}

Field Description
{upload_id} The upload id provided.
{filename} Filename for the results file, sames as provided to the /verifyApiFile endpoint.
{unique} Will be "yes" or "no". Indicates if the remove duplicates option was selected during file upload.
{lines} Total number of parsed emails in the file.
{lines_processed} Number of currently processed emails.
{status} File status. It will be one of "new", "parsing", "incorrect", "waiting", "progress", "suspended", "canceled", "finished".
{timestamp} Date and time when the file was uploaded (in unix format).
{link_all} Link to the report containing all supplied email addresses. Will be empty if the file has not finished processing.
{link_ok} Link to the report containing email addresses that have passed verification. Will be empty if the file has not finished processing.

If an error occurred, one of the following responses will be returned:

Error Description
error_file_not_exists Supplied upload id does not exist under your account.
key_not_valid The provided api key is invalid.
missing parameters There are no validations remaining to complete this attempt.
query Parameters

The upload id as supplied by the /verifyApiFile endpoint.


Request samples

$key = "your_api_key";
$url = ''.$key.'&id=10700';
$string = file_get_contents($url);
list($file_id,$filename,$unique,$lines,$lines_processed,$status,$timestamp,$link1,$link2) = explode('|',$string); // parse response

Response samples

Content type


The Contact Finder service is designed to assist users in discovering and validating business email addresses by leveraging inputs such as first names, last names, and company domains. It generates a series of potential email addresses by synthesizing these inputs into common email format conventions and then evaluates the likelihood of each being correct.

Input Parameters and Logic

To use this endpoint, you must provide the individual's first name, last name, and/or the domain of their business. The service employs a sophisticated algorithm to generate potential email addresses based on the provided information:

  • Full Name and Domain: When both first and last names are provided along with a domain, the service generates multiple email format combinations to maximize the chances of finding a valid email. Formats include:

  • Single Name and Domain: If only a first name or a last name is provided, the service generates an email using that name directly (e.g., [email protected]).

  • Only Domain: In the absence of any names, the service resorts to generating emails based on a predefined list of common business-related usernames (e.g., [email protected], [email protected]).

Confidence Levels

Generated email combinations are evaluated for their potential validity, with each assigned a confidence level:

  • high: Highest level of confidence; the email format is likely valid based on validation checks.
  • medium: Medium level of confidence; there is a possibility that the email format is used.
  • low: Low confidence; the email format is unlikely to be correct and carries a high risk of being invalid.
  • unknown: The validity of the email cannot be determined.

Credits Consumption

The consumption of credits is adjusted to reflect the information provided and the potential value of the results:

  • Providing both first and last names consumes 5 credits for processing.
  • Providing only a first name or only a last name consumes 1 credit.
  • Not providing any name information and only a domain consumes 10 credits.
Request Body schema: application/json

Input data for finding contacts


The first name of the contact (optional).


The last name of the contact (optional).


The domain to use for generating email addresses (required).


Request samples

Content type
  • "first_name": "string",
  • "last_name": "string",
  • "domain": "string"

Response samples

Content type