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Our Take on Email Marketing’s Future

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    Marketing dynamics are constantly changing and the future has never looked brighter for email marketing than it does now. Well, the benefits of these changes can only be reaped by those marketers who keep up with the changing trends and dynamics of the game.

    Consumers and subscribers are increasingly becoming weary and fed up with the old tactics of email marketing of one-size-fits-all strategies. It is a wake-up call for those tacky marketers who are always content with what they have. It gives everyone a chance to prove themselves once more. Think of it as a clean slate. So what’s our take on the future of email marketing? Here’s what we think are key trends to watch out for in 2016 going forward.

    1. Increase in Multi-Faceted Email Content

    Isn’t it exciting, how aspects of messaging, social media platforms and content keep on changing and becoming  better? In a generation of memes and selfies among others, expect these to be incorporated in email marketing.    The risk takers and trend setters will develop multi-faceted content that combine two or more concepts into one.  For example, it will be refreshing to see content that creatively combines a YouTube video with memes and good old  fashioned text, or not.

    In a way, marketers will be forced to get out of their comfort zones and start thinking creatively and innovatively at a whole new level. It is never just a matter of copying and pasting when it comes to marketing. Every campaign, every situation, and every year presents a new challenge. In this case, we strongly feel that the challenge will be to find that balance between the bottom line message and creative innovation and theatrics in your content.

    2. Real-Time Analytics versus Engaging Content

    Gone are the days when opening an email and clicking links were the only metrics that mattered in marketing campaigns. The dynamics have always been changing and a new wave of metrics are increasingly being considered and becoming popular.

    Marketers want to know who clicked on a particular link and whether they went to the app store to check out products. If they (subscribers) mentioned it or tweeted about it in social media, they (marketers) would like to know. If they forwarded the message to another recipient or deleted the email, the marketers will want to factor that in as well. All these, marketers will want to analyze in real time. We must say this is going to be interesting.

    3. Marketers Will Be Given More Creative Say in Transactional Emails

    Transactional emails have one of the highest open rates but marketers have little say in how they are crafted. The developers do all the work leaving marketers little room for creativity; in terms of the feel and look of the email. The going trends suggest that this will change.
    With an influx of new marketers everyday along with changes in technology, social media and increase in market reach by corporations, email marketing is at the epicenter of this revolution. It has and will continue to be the most profitable form of marketing in terms of ROI.

    We hope you liked this post. We have many more interesting posts coming your way; so keep reading.

    Written by

    Achraf Benfdela

    "I’m the founder and CEO of Email List Verify, an email list verification service that removes unverified emails, spam traps and the hard bounces and penalties associated with such emails. As you all know, we all have a sender reputation associated with our sender IP, once a hard bounce happens more than a few times, it influences our sender reputation. When your reputation is damaged, at best: your email won’t arrive in the inbox, the other option is way worse. Check out what our customer reviews and drop me a line below in the comments!"

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